Leadership Board


The Leadership Board of Cornerstone UMC fulfills the functions of Church Council, Trustees, Finance, and Staff Parish Relations Committee. It establishes annual goals for the church and is responsible for governance and accountability.

2025 Board Members

Class of 2025 (Term Ends 12-31-2025)

  1. Emily Revelle

  2. Amy Hamilton (SPRC Lead)

  3. Sue Suddarth

  4. Rich Clark

Class of 2026 (Term Ends 12-31-2026)

  1. Jeff Hamilton (Finance Lead)

  2. Carol Weaver (Lay Leader)

  3. Jay DeShong (Trustee Lead & Lay Delegate)

  4. Vacant

Class of 2027 (Term Ends 12-31-2027)

  1. Kim Zohner

  2. Kathryn Dudley

  3. Kim Wiles

  4. Rob Hunter

Ex Officio Members (With Vote)

  1. Jarrod Grant - United Methodist Men (Board Chair)

  2. Sara Denother - United Women in Faith

  3. Vacant - United Methodist Youth

Ex Officio Members (Without Vote)

  1. Rev. Jim Peich (Lead Pastor)

  2. Jason Winscher (Treasurer)


  • The Leadership Board typically meets from 6 to 7:30p on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

  • Members of Cornerstone UMC are welcome to attend Leadership Board meetings.

  • Members of Cornerstone UMC may address the Leadership Board upon request. Please sign-in before the start of the meeting if you wish to speak.


Meeting agendas are typically posted one week prior to the meeting.


Leadership Board meeting minutes are posted after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.

 Leadership Board Covenant

As members of the 2025 Leadership Board of Cornerstone United Methodist Church, we individually and collectively commit ourselves to these guiding principles and behaviors:

  1. We will support the mission of Cornerstone UMC to be a growing multi-generational community of faith where all people are welcomed and loved. 

  2. We will attend to our personal spiritual health and growth by regularly engaging in the practices of prayer, attending Sunday worship, giving financially to the church, serving in the church, and by inviting others to church.

  3. We will come to board meetings prepared and ready to fulfill our responsibilities;

  4. We will be honest in all board matters and disclose potential conflicts of interest;

  5. We will avoid assumptions and seek to ask clarifying questions prior to board meetings;

  6. We will try new ideas and consider all outcomes an opportunity for learning;

  7. We will prioritize what’s best for the whole church over our personal preferences;

  8. We will not speak or work against board decisions, even if we would have made a different one;

  9. We will pray, care for, and encourage our pastors, staff, and board members;

  10. We will address and resolve conflicts quickly, directly, and biblically;

  11. We will extend grace and forgiveness when offended and carry no grudges;

  12. We will not gossip, triangulate, or share sensitive/confidential information;

  13. We will speak kindly and professionally with, and about, our pastors, staff, and board members.

  14. We will step down from the board if we are unable or unwilling to fulfill this covenant.

This covenant was unanimously adopted by the 2025 Leadership Board of Cornerstone United Methodist Church on Jan. 14, 2025.