Food Pantry
The Food Pantry of Cornerstone United Methodist Church serves all Saint Charles County and Lincoln County residents. It is operated entirely by volunteers.
Receive Support
Clients of the Food Pantry may receive complimentary goods up to one time per week per household. No appointment or referral is necessary and no identification or proof of residency is needed.
Food Pantry hours are 9a to 11a on Wednesdays and 5p to 6p on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays. The entrance to the Food Pantry is located in the rear of the church building and is identified by a sign.
Donate Food & Other Items
The Food Pantry of Cornerstone UMC accepts a variety of donated items. Donations can be brought to the church Monday through Thursday from 8a to 2p or on Sundays from 8a to 11:30a. The following donations are always appreciated. It is most helpful if the items are not expired. Plastic containers are preferred over glass containers.
Boxed food & meals
Canned goods
Dry pasta & sauce
Peanut butter & jelly
Personal hygiene items
School supplies
Sign-up to Volunteer
The Food Pantry of Cornerstone UMC is operated entirely by volunteers. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities and roles available throughout the year for all ages and abilities.
For more information about the Food Pantry program, please contact the Food Pantry Director by email at or call (636) 379-5334 (ext. 301).