Confirmation Program
Cornerstone UMC will be offering a Confirmation program for students in 7th through 12th grades starting in the fall of 2024.
Confirmation is an opportunity for young people to explore the Christian faith alongside other youth in a fun, relevant and engaging way.
Together, students consider what it means to be “rooted in faith” as a Christian.
Upon completion of the program, youth will have an opportunity to profess their faith in Jesus Christ and be confirmed as new members of Cornerstone UMC.
The program fee is $50 per student or $100 per family. Scholarships are available confidentially in cases of financial hardship.
What to Expect
Our Confirmation program focuses on helping each young person learn about God’s unconditional love and amazing grace through relevant conversations and engaging experiences.
It is our goal that after completing the Confirmation program at Cornerstone UMC, youth will have:
A stronger connection to other Christian youth
A better understanding of their own values and beliefs
A faith rooted in the love and grace of Jesus Christ
A greater compassion for others
While we hope every youth will make the decision to profess their faith and be confirmed, there is no pressure or requirement to do so.
Our Approach
Rather than just talking at youth, our Confirmation program strives to engage youth in a variety of experiences that provide opportunities for learning, reflection and conversation.
Confirmation experiences include:
Learning about the Christian faith
Completing a service/mission project
A day-long Confirmation retreat
Observing other faith traditions
Family meal and fun night
We believe Confirmation is not a destination, but more of a way station where youth have an opportunity to take personal ownership of their faith journey.
Confirmation Schedule
Confirmation sessions are typically held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8p in The Edge (Youth Room) beginning Sept. 4, 2024.
Confirmation youth and leaders will also gather on two Saturdays for a retreat and special field trip.
We will celebrate Confirmation Sunday on February 2, 2025 during the 9a and 10:30a worship services.
View the full Confirmation Schedule.
Rev. Jim Peich
Our Lead Pastor, Rev. Jim Peich, believes that Confirmation is a very important milestone in a young person’s faith journey.
With this in mind, Pastor Jim makes it a priority to serve as the lead teacher of Cornerstone UMC’s Confirmation program. He is supported by a dedicated team of adult volunteers who are also Safe Gatherings certified.
Program Expectations
Participants are expected to attend all Confirmation gatherings in order to be confirmed.
If a student misses a session or activity, they will be expected to complete make-up work.
In addition to Confirmation sessions, participants are expected to attend at least two classic worship services and two modern worship services during the Confirmation program.
Participants are also expected to attend at least four Youth Group gatherings on Sunday mornings during the Confirmation program.
Participants will be asked to wait until the next Confirmation program if they are absent for more than 4 sessions/activities or choose not to complete make-up work.